You don’t need to take Crystal Meth to have a good time, you just need to attend their show. Pretty much introducing house/electronica music to America in the early 90s, The Crystal Method is a DJ duo who continues to develop new music and put on a great production.

Right after they opened for The Disco Biscuits on 12/29 at Terminal 5 in Manhattan, I sat down for a switch-off interview between Ken Jordan and Scott Kirkland. Having danced to their music since a young girl, it was a real treat to talk with them! Both incredibly outgoing, they created a friendly environment while explaining their music and their taste in life.

Wow, great to meet you guys! Such an awesome show, you really tore it up out there.
Hahah, why thank you! Welcome.

How do you feel about tonight’s performance?
Tonight was awesome. New York City is always a great time and everyone seemed to be dancing pretty crazily which is good.

How does it feel to be the duo who’s pretty much introduced house/electronica music to the states?
Haha, we don’t really like to look at it that way. We prefer to be more humble about it because we’re really just all about the music we create. I mean, the recognition is great, but the music is what’s gratifying.

Besides just performing on stage and having a huge fan base, why’d you choose music?
Well I always loved music growing up. My love for DJing started while at a recording studio in Las Vegas. That was the moment when I realized that Djing on stage (not radio) was what I wanted to do. So then, I dedicated my life to creating music.

So how’d you guys hook up with The Disco Biscuits?
We’ve known the Biscuits for sometime now. We first heard about them at The Electric Factory in Philadelphia where we’d see their posters, banners, etc. all around. We’d both been playing similar gigs so we wanted to play with them as well. Eventually we did a show with them at Red Rocks, which is like, the best venue ever. And we’re pretty excited about this show and hope to play with them again in the future.

I noticed you remixed AC/DC tonight and the song ‘Sweet Disposition.’ How do you decide what songs to remix?

Well, in the old days, when we were first coming up and trying to prove ourselves as DJs, we were offered crap. And the music we were pushed to do was music we weren’t interested in at all. Here’s a metaphor for you: It’s like my uncle who grew up on a chicken farm. He ate chicken all the time and as he farmed more he got a better selection of chicken, but at that time he was so sick of chicken that he stopped wanting to eat the chicken despite the good quality.

So you’re implying that you have a selection of good music to remix now but you’ve remixed so much that you’re sick of it?

Pretty much. We do remix still but only songs we’re interested in. It’s like, why didn’t this music get offered to us ten years ago?!

Like a catch 22?

Exactly. But recently we’ve remixed songs from The Doors. So at the same time, we’re not too interested in remixes but rather making our own albums.

Speaking of new albums, as 2011 quickly approaches, what direction do you hope to push The Crystal Method in?

Continue to work on music we love but to pursue new avenues.

Such as?

Well, create music for TV or video. Whatever it is, we’re all about being true to our sound.

“True to your sound”, spoken like genuine musicians.

Why thank you. But as for our latest album, it’s much more song oriented and we’ve collaborated more with artists. But with every album, we just try to improve our sound and music because our goal is just to get better and better.

So as famous DJs you guys have the ability to influence people internationally. Anything you’re trying to express to your fans?
Yeah, for a band that doesn’t have a lot of lyrics, we’re very active in some political things like grassroots organizations. We try not to beat people over the head with it though. Like we don’t try to require our fans to support what we do, but at the same time, we do make it obvious what we’re about. For example, last election we created an Obama remix in support of him.

Nice, that’s important. What grassroots organizations are you apart of?

Greenwave and The Sea Sheppards.
Being interviewed by the media for the past two decades I’m sure has allowed time for many similar questions. Anything you’ve never been asked but would love to share with the public?

No. well, I’ve never been asked if I believe in God.

Well, do you?

No, I’m an atheist. But that’s another topic.

So as I conclude this interview, can the Knight News readers and the rest of Florida hope to see you again at Ultra Music Festival 2011 down in Miami?

Possibly. We don’t really do the same event consecutively but there’s always a chance of seeing us at an after party of another event near by.

Well I sure hope that’s true. The Crystal Method kept me entertained from the start of their show until the end of our interview.