After the first day of the Ereck Plancher wrongful death trial a jury has not been selected. By the end of the day, over 50 different people from the jury pool were interviewed as potential jurors.

The potential jurors were questioned for possible bias or previous knowledge of the case. They were also asked about their upcoming schedule over the next three weeks and how serving would affect their jobs and financial situation.


One of the first possible jurors was dismissed for possible bias, for having affiliation with UCF and its athletic association. Several others were also dismissed throughout the day for various reasons.

At the end of the selection process the jury pool will be narrowed down to only six jurors with a couple of alternates.

It is expected that a jury will be selected tomorrow. If that happens early enough in the day, the opening statements would also begin tommorow.

The Plancher legal team also dropped the case against the UCF Board of Trustees and now the trial will deal with just the UCF Athletic Association.

Knightnews is the only local news source providing live streaming, gavel to gavel video coverage of this major trial. Our team of reporters will be back at the Orange County Courthouse throughout the week and for the rest of the trial. Check back for continuous updates.