Update: FBI spokesman Dave Couvertier released this statement regarding the incident earlier today at UCF, “there is ongoing law enforcement activity regarding a cyber investigation.”
Update: UCF Spokesman Chad Binette confirmed to KnightNews.com that UCF Police are assisting an FBI investigation.
Update: University of Central Floirda police gathered around the Tower 3 housing complex Tuesday morning — which houses UCF athletes and honors students — for a reason the university hasn’t yet revealed.
KnightNews.com noticed the UCF police presence after driving to the scene to check out a viewer tip that someone who appeared to be wearing clothing with FBI lettering, was seen taking an individual into the back of vehicle.
A man on scene in an unmarked vehicle, dressed in plainclothes and who identified himself as a UCF police officer, told KnightNews.com someone was arrested there today.
Eyewitnesses who tipped KnightNews.com off to the apparent arrest asked not to be identified due to the bizarre circumstances, but watched everything unfold from inside Barnes and Noble bookstore. They told KnightNews.com the man appeared to be white, with long curly brown or dirty blonde hair and was wearing a grey shirt. They said the man looked disheveled and had a heavy build.

Police have since cleared the scene. KnightNews.com has placed calls to UCF police and UCF News and Information to try and gather more details, however, no further information has been released at this point. Check back for updates.
KnightNews.com first broke this story at 12:05 p.m.