Mitt Romney has won the Florida GOP Primary, followed by Newt Gingrich in second, Santorum in third, and Paul finishing last.

Florida is the biggest electorate yet, with winner-take-all in delegates. Thus far in the race, Romney has more than three times the amount of delegates than any other candidate. Fortunately for Romney’s opponents, there are still 95 percent of the delegates to be given out.


Newt Gingrich is here tonight in Orlando at the Rosen hotel hosting a primary results party. Newt Spoke in front of an optimistic crowd all holding up signs saying “46 More States”.

Gingrich did not seemed phased by his second place finish, telling the crowd that it is a two-man race between him as the true Republican and Romney, who he called the Massachusetts moderate.

He ended his speech by reminding all of his supporters that this is the most important election of their lifetime.

Check out the video below for highlights from Newts speech here in Orlando.


Also check out some photos from the event!