UPDATE: UCF has confirmed that there is an ongoing investigation of employee misconduct at the Student Union.
Just two days after KnightNews.com learned that Student Union Director Suzi Halpin abruptly resigned, we learned that UCF Activity and Service Fee Director Paul Constantino is also out the door.

In addition to that, on the Activity & Service Fee web page, there is also an empty spot for a senior accountant.
Reasons are currently unclear as to why these two left their jobs, but both were making hefty salaries with Suzi Halpin at $87,286 per year and $78,000 per year for Paul Constantino.
KnightNews.com e-mailed UCF yesterday to ask why these two left their jobs and if there was any possible misconduct, but we are still waiting on a response. When we tried contacting the Student Union Director directly via her Facebook page, we also received no response.