In a recent compilation ranking the most desirable colleges in each state, higher-education information website eCollegeFinder named UCF the most desirable college in the state of Florida.

Mike Simmons of eCollegeFinder named the most desirable school in each state based off of data from the National Center for Education Statistics. Considerations included the amount of people who applied to each school, acceptance rate, cost and location.


UCF had 31,820 applicants in 2013 with a 49% acceptance rate and 51,010 total students. It made them the largest school named to the list with Ohio State being the most desired school in Ohio with 43,058 total students.

UCF’s 31,820 applicants made it the tenth most applied to school on the list. The University of California (UCLA) was the most applied to school at 72,676 applicants followed by New York University at 57,552.