UCF Global Perspectives is bringing Heather Abbott, a Boston Marathon survivor to campus as part of their LIFE Global Issues Series.
Abbott was struck by shrapnel in the Boston Marathon attack back in 2013. Her injury caused her to take the decision to allow doctors to amputate her left leg below the knee. Her resilience and positivity have spoken to thousands.
According to ABC News, Abbott returned to the 2014 Boston Marathon, and ran with the woman who helped rescue her the year before. Abbott crossed the finish line with, Erin Chatham, former Patriot’s player Matt Chatham’s wife.
Abbott travels all over the country to share her story and has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, the Today Show, and ESPN.
Global Perspectives welcomes everyone to hear her inspiring story about overcoming adversity in the Pegasus Ballroom from 10:30-12:00 p.m. on February 3, 2015.