UCF bar Stagger Inn announced on social media it will close its doors indefinitely due to disputes with the landlord over cost to remain on University Blvd.
We'll give 5️⃣winners a free drink ticket at our #KnightNewsFiesta Kickoff in #Tempe!
Check out the bull you can ride in the video of 1 of the bars on our crawl!
MORE INFO: https://t.co/7eNcBatUjfAnd congrats to @daniellanmedina for winning our last contest! pic.twitter.com/sujT3jfLCc
— UCF Knight News | OHANA (@UCFKnightNews) December 8, 2018
“With a heavy heart, tomorrow night will be the last night for Stagger Inn UCF.”
With a heavy hart tomorrow night night will be the last night for Stagger Inn UCF. Due to some problems with the landlords we can no longer survive. That being said we have tonight and tomorrow night to go ham. Lets get after it.
— Stagger Inn UCF (@StaggerInnUCF) December 8, 2018
Bars and restaurants come and go along University Blvd. due to either low demand or high tenant prices. The area has come a long way since its days hosting Knights Library, Pub, and more in a shopping plaza across the street from UCF.

Knight News covered Stagger Inn’s opening in 2014 and 2015: