When LSU snapped UCF’s 25 game winning streak, something strange happened: the SEC elite acted like LSU won by a blowout, even though the Knights lost by just one touchdown — using their backup quarterback.

And when Knight News asked if LSU’s game against UCF was one of the “more physical” it played this season, LSU’s athletic director literally laughed out loud.


LSU’s players scoffed at the question, claiming the Knights could not hang in the SEC — even though UCF scored more points on LSU in regulation than any other team this season. SEC fans followed suit on social media, unleashing toxic tweets.

Knight News’s readers believe the bizarre reaction by LSU players — and SEC fans at large — ended up Exposing InSECurity of those worried that UCF may prove membership in the SEC does not automatically make a team better than teams left outside the elite club. And that’s what we’re calling our special, year-long investigation we’re launching today: Exposing InSecurity. 

The goal of Exposing InSECurity is to shine a spotlight on elitism that unfairly puts a program’s pedigree over performance on the field. We’ll do this by obtaining emails through freedom of information laws, and by asking tough questions of the controversial College Football Playoff corporation execs and others, along with other journalistic tactics. We will not be ignored. And we won’t back down. 


Knight News already uncovered “prime evidence” of “illegal” anticompetitive behavior  between UF’s voting member of the controversial College Football Playoff Selection Committee and a fellow SEC school, an attorney said.

This type of investigative journalism takes time and costs money. We had to hire a lawyer to negotiate with UF to release all the emails we requested — and UF says it only released them as a courtesy, claiming it doesn’t have to. 

Exposing InSECurity will pick up where our investigation of UF left off.  We will start by seeking out email evidence from every single SEC school. And we will make the evidence we uncover public. We believe this will help inform the national debate and the search for solutions — and help bring a fair resolution — when the public takes action, be that inside or outside of the courtroom.  

The more resources we have, the more staff we can devote to Exposing InSECurity, and the more aggressive we can be in fighting for your right to know whether these powerful institutions are complying with antitrust laws, or behaving unfairly.


We’re inviting you to help us to hold the powerful accountable by making a tax deductible donation to Knight News, Inc., a small, 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, independent and autonomous from UCF.  The donations must and will go to supporting our 501(c)(3) educational mission.

No donation is too small. Every gift makes a difference. Colleges often charge money to produce emails we request. So, even $1 could be the difference in uncovering more “prime evidence” in a potential antitrust lawsuit.

Donate to our GoFundMe.com/ExposingInsecurity page, here.