UCF Recreation and Wellness Center on the main campus in March 2020. Photo by Megan Turner.
Photo by Megan Turner.

Last week, Tesla CEO Elon Musk offered UCF student Jack Sweeney $5,000 to stop tracking his private jet and posting its whereabouts on Twitter.

Sweeney refused to give in.


Instead, the freshman rebutted by raising the asking price to $50,000 and an internship. Musk refused.

Sweeney reportedly received another offer to take down the page on Friday.

According to businessinsider.com, CEO of Autonomy — a car-hire company — Scott Painter offered Sweeney a subscription to a Tesla Model 3 if he deleted the account.

After previously stating that he would delete the page in exchange for a free Tesla, Sweeney still wouldn’t budge.

“I’m not giving up something that I like for something that I don’t completely want,” Sweeney said. “I want my own car. I don’t want to have to give it back in three years.”

Wall Street Journal

“He’s getting a lot of attention, and it’s not necessarily the greatest attention,” Painter said in an interview, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“He’s in a tricky spot, and we offered him an elegant solution that we think works for him, and it works for us,” he continued.

The page, @ElonJet, currently has a following of over 368,000 users with its last update coming on Feb 3.