After seven years at UCF, she’s seen the good and bad in student government.

Impeachment scandals. Media firestorms. Friendships made — and friendships ruined.

Through it all, she’s earned the reputation of being a voice of reason while advising student leaders at UCF.

And as former UCF SGA adviser Christa Coffey starts a new chapter in her life as Director of Student Activities at the University of North Texas, she took the time to leave one last piece of advice to the UCF students she spent so much time mentoring, advising and trying to help mold into the leaders of our future.

The following is her unedited response to’s request for her to share some final lessons with the students of UCF:

Hi Kevin

After I left Texas (my home) for a job in Missouri 10 years ago, my plan had always been to come back at some point. After beginning work on my doctorate in 2005 at UCF, the goal became to search for a job in Texas after finishing. I finished my degree in August of 2010 and started searching for a position this past spring. I was lucky to find a position at a university in the Dallas area that allows me oversee an office of student activities. Not only is it an opportunity for a new and expanded experience, but it also allows me to be closer to my family and friends. I enjoyed my time at UCF and in Orlando, but am excited about my new personal and work life.

Over the years, I tried to focus on three main messages through my work with the Senate. I feel like things related to these issues have improved over time, but unfortunately some issues will never be fully eradicated because, as with all student leadership roles, there will always be changeover.

(A) In my experience at UCF, pretty much all conflict and resulting drama was a result of misunderstanding, miscommunication, or lack of communication. I would remind everyone not to believe everything they hear or read. There are at least two sides to every story. If something sounds bad or “interesting,” I have always encouraged students to talk to the person who is supposedly involved, in order to get the real story.

(B) I want students to remember that this is “just” SGA and that, while what they do is important, no decision is worth compromising their integrity. There is no need to play politics; they just need to make decisions and/or vote based on what they think is right and what they think is best for the students.

(C)Finally, I would remind students to be kind to each other. I saw many friendships disrupted, especially during elections. Being passionate and disagreeing with each other is expected and necessary, but I want to believe that it is possible to do this respectfully and without causing harm to another person. When it came to elections specifically, I always asked students to help their candidate win by showcasing their strengths, not by hurting their opponent’s reputation.

Overall, I believe SGA has made great strides in serving the student body. I saw a lot positive changes over the course of my almost 7 year tenure. Of course, students made (and make) mistakes from time to time, and those are unfortunately what stand out to many people. But overall, I think they have done a lot of great things for which they don’t get credit and I’m excited to see each SGA build upon the foundation previous administrations have made.
