UPDATE The agency’s suspension was lifted Thursday afternoon after meeting with members of SGA.

An agency within UCF’s Student Government Association was suspended from the Activity and Service Fee budget last month after it was found in violation of spending policy, SGA President Melissa Westbrook confirmed.

Westbrook confirmed that she suspended Pride Coalition on Oct. 28 after it was found that the agency purchased lunch for members of the Pride Coalition executive board while meeting with LGBTQ Services coordinator candidates in the UCF Marketplace earlier last month.

While the purchase only totaled just over $71, Westbrook believes that it violated proviso language of the 2013-2014 ASF budget — which states, “No portion of the funds allocated to the Pride Coalition Agency shall be used on, or transferred to, LGBTQ Services or any other entity not funded directly in the A&SF Budget.”

“We are letter of the law with our student organizations,” Westbrook said. “I think it’s only right to hold our agencies to the same standard. I know that it’s most likely never happened before (suspension of an agency) but I can’t be afraid to do what’s right. I owe it to our students.”

Pride Coalition was created on January 9, 2013, after SDES Vice-President Dr. Maribeth Ehasz signed SGA Student Body Senate Special Act 45-02 approving the formation SGA agency. While Pride Coalition and LGBTQ Services often work together, they have separate budgets between them.

Under the suspension, Pride Coalition will not be able to request any A&SF funds until the suspension is lifted. SGA and Pride Coalition will meet on Nov. 13 to discuss the suspension.

“We have rules in place for a reason,” Westbrook said. “This year in student government I’m working to have a more transparent and consistent administration. This suspension is only to come to a mutual understanding so that we can move forward.”