The most important thing to remember this week as Halloween approaches: be smart, be safe, and don’t drive drunk.

In an effort to keep drunk drivers off the road, the University of Central Florida Police Department will be conducting an intensified wave of DUI enforcement this week tied with Halloween. Additional officers will be out on patrol leading up to the holiday in an effort to ensure the safety of the community.

“If students’ Halloween plans involve drinking, we want them to do so responsibly, safely and legally,” UCF spokesperson Courtney Gilmartin said. “Don’t leave getting home safely to chance. Elect someone whom you trust to stay sober as your designated driver, or plan on taking a cab.”

A DUI can have a profound effect on your record and wallet. Not only can drunk driving harm or kill others, a DUI is a criminal offense and a violation of UCF’s Golden Rule. It can also cost thousands of dollars on court costs and fines.

“Ultimately, our goal with DUI enforcement is to keep drunk drivers off the road and prevent people from getting hurt. We hope that extra officers out on the street serves as a reminder to think before you drink and to never get behind the wheel if you’re impaired,” Gilmartin said.

Students have a variety of options to choose from regarding transportation around UCF. Students can pick up a free Safe Ride voucher which provides a free cab ride home up to $35, available once every 60 days. Other options include Uber, 10/10 Taxi and of course, a designated driver.