Saturday night, Chabad Jewish Student Group at UCF celebrated Purim in style: A night out at UCF’s newest club, Deko Bar and Lounge.

Purim is, in essence, a commemoration of a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination. It happens once a year, and Chabad students wanted to make sure it was unforgettable.

More than 200 people came out to celebrate the event, according to Romi Mawardi, co-owner of Deko. The theme was Mardi Gras, and the midnight masquerade was apparent from all the purple, green and yellow beads around everyone’s necks. Deko was giving free cover to those who showed up to the event before 10 p.m.

For those who don’t know, Deko was formerly a movie theater, and one entire movie room remains in tact in the rear of the building. This room was used for the Megillah reading, which is the “Scroll of Esther,” and is a firsthand account of the events of Purim, which is read in the original Hebrew from a parchment scroll.

After the reading, there was a buffet of food for everyone at the event to feast on, as well as free drinks for those who were of age.

It was apparent that everyone had a great time, and many people even stayed until after 2 a.m. enjoying the festivities.

Hookah was also a popular item throughout the night.

To learn more about Chabad Jewish Student Group, visit the Facebok fan page here.