Many UCF students have close ties to Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school. UCF has as many as 400 students who are alumni or have relatives who are alumni. These students are dealing with an overwhelming whirlwind of emotions, and many need to return home to be with their loved ones.
Knight News learned UCF sent an email to its staff informing them of the following:
“Student Care Service is receiving phone calls left and right from students informing the university they will be absent due to extreme circumstances. Student Care Services is providing absent notices for students who reach out to them. These absent notices are not necessary though, UCF is doing their best to support their students through this tragedy.”
During times like these, there are tips to help friends who are suffering. U.S. News gives examples such as sympathy or simply being kind.
It’s clear many UCF students impacted by the tragedy have a long road ahead, dealing with more than imaginable right now.