We have uploaded Trevor’s memorial service to the player below.

Unfortunately, do to a thunderstorm in Tavares, we lost our live streaming signal of Trevor Shipley’s memorial service as it was happening.

We will upload video of the service here as soon as we can, hopefully by tonight. (Sorry for the inconvenience to Trevor’s friends hoping to watch online.)

Previous Story:
On Friday at 2 p.m. UCF will say goodbye to two students who died just days apart during separate incidents.

A traditional memorial service will be held for Trevor Shipley, who died in a car accident last Friday, at 2 p.m. Friday, July 31 at the First United Methodist Church in Tavares, Lake County, just northwest of Orlando.

We also have just learned through a facebook posting that a 2 p.m. gathering will be held at the UCF Reflecting Pond Friday, July 31 for James Saul, who died in his Boardwalk apartment earlier this week in an unrelated incident. Saul’s cause of death remains unknown. A larger memorial is planned in honor of Saul Friday at 4 p.m. at Knight Library.

KnightNews.com has been working with Trevor Shipley’s family to provide video of his memorial service to his friends and loved ones who may be out of town and unable to attend.

We will attempt to stream his service live in the box below at 2 p.m. when Shipley’s service starts.