Hello fellow UCF bros and brodettes!

My name is Emily Bonvini – I’m a proud UCF freshman (“fresh” being the operative word) and KnightNews.com’s official video blogger! Each and every week, I’ll cover a different hard-hitting topic, like Marketplace vs. Knightro’s, the hassles of dorm life, and dealing with dear old Mom and Dad.


This week, I talk about the biggest night in music, the MTV Video Music Awards (no offense to the Grammy’s or anything). It seemed as though the whole world was a-Twitter about all the evening’s events, from the cardiac arrest-inducing New Moon trailer to Beyonce’s diva-licious performance of “Single Ladies.” To quote MTV’s relentless ad campaign, the stars really did align last night – seriously, even Buzz-freaking-Aldrin was there to present an award. Can you dig it? I sure can.