UPDATE 4/20/10 12:00 PM: Below is video (accurate as of 11:30 AM) of what is available at Knights Market.

The KnightsMarket is being hosted by the Student Union on April 20 at
the South Patio from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The KnightsMarket will serve as a
venue where UCF Students may come together to buy, sell or barter goods.
The KnightsMarket will have three main attractions, including student-run tables, free store, and food pantry.

Student-run tables are open to individual students or RSO’s looking to
raise some extra cash by selling possessions they no longer want; no
item is too big or too small. Although it is recommended that
participants reserve a table in advance by email, walk-ups are welcome
as well. To RSVP please send an email to segreen@mail.ucf.edu.

In addition to the student-run tables, the Student Union will be
facilitating a free store where students can freely give usable,
unwanted items to other students rather then disposing of them in
landfills. The Student Union has been collecting items throughout the
month and is continuing to collect goods at the Student Union
information desk up until the KnightsMarket.

Lastly, the Knights Helping Knights Food Pantry will bring some of their
donated canned goods to the KnightsMarket to give out to students who
are in financial need.. The service is non-judgmental and completely
confidential. Students will not be asked to reveal any information upon
shopping in the KHK Food Pantry.

The Student Union has partnered with the Student Government Association,
Student Sustainability Alliance and Eco Advocates to facilitate the KnightsMarket.

If you have any questions or comments please contact Seth Green atsegreen@mail.ucf.edu