After last night’s St. Patty’s Block party at Knight’s Library, it’s safe to say that when it comes to block parties, other bars should be green with envy.

With it’s large outdoor area, the live bands were a hit, the plethora of bars made getting a drink faster than even a regular night out and safety measures were certainly in place — the great weather didn’t hurt, either.

At just $5 for green beer pitchers, the crowd was loose and everyone was dressed to them — including the beer. Over the course of the day, the crowd slowly trickled in, and by 7:00 p.m. it was the hottest party in town. People continued to pour in until the last hour, which is a sure sign that everyone present was telling their friends to come.

Other bars have their specialties; for some, it’s their weekly DJ lineup, for some its abnormally cheap drinks and for some it’s their large drink selection. But when it comes to themed outdoor block parties, library takes the cake. Actually, it takes the whole bakery.