A major fight is unfolding in UCF’s Student Government Association Senate over how millions of your student dollars are spent.

KnightNews.com has learned the Activity and Service Fee Committee has so far refused to allocate funding to the Graduate Student Association, which it could then distribute to its members, even though rules passed allowing the GSA to do so.


So Senator Nick Simons’s Legislative Judicial & Rules Committee pushed through a motion to issue a notice of non-compliance to the entire A&SF Committee. That could cause big problems for the A&SF committee’s ability to operate, if the committee is actually not in compliance and doesn’t rectify it. The non-compliance motion passed in his LJR committee.

In response, Operations Review Committee Chairman Jacob Kahn made a motion to no confidence Simons during Thursday’s Senate meeting, claiming Simons’s committee didn’t have jurisdiction to issue the non-compliance. The no-confidence issue will come up for debate at next week’s senate meeting, where the vote on whether Simons should be kicked out of his LJR chairmanship could come down.

Ultimately, it’s up to the Senate to vote on the A&SF committees allocations. The Senate could override the recommendation of A&SF not to fund GSA.

This hot botton political issue comes just weeks before the SGA 2012 Presidential Race begins, and is likely to intensify as tickets emerge.

KnightNews.com will follow these controversial developments and let you know how they unfold. Check back for updates and more details as we get them.

View Non-Compliance Report Here: