The Rev. Al Sharpton was in Sanford Thursday conducting a rally for justice for Trayvon Martin, 17, who was shot and killed in Sanford about a month ago. The man who shot him, George Zimmerman, was not arrested – because he claimed it was self-defense and that he felt threatened by the teen.

Martin only had skittles and iced tea on him, however, and no weapon. carried live tweets from the rally as it happened.

UCF students also attended the rally. Mallory Minor told before the rally she had already recruited almost a dozen fellow UCF students to attend the rally. She’s made calls, sent emails and sent up a Facebook event. Minor is outraged by the situation.

“This atrocity is not only on discriminatory against African Americans but our community as a whole,” Minor told “If possible, maybe we can set up a meeting place for all other UCF students. I think it’d be really great if UCF could stand together in this rally and press the importance that this act is to our community.”

The rally for justice for Trayvon Martin started at 7 p.m., at Fort Mellon Park in Sanford.

Also Thursday, Sanford police Chief Bill Lee temporarily stepped aside in response to the tensions in the community. That decision came after MSNBC’s Andrew Mitchell grilled Sanford’s mayor about ousting the chief. See the interview, below:

The Orlando Sentinel is also reporting the man who claims he shot Martin in self defense, George Zimmerman, has been kicked out of Seminole State College.

Check back for an in depth story a reporter who found UCF students at the rally is putting together. Also check back for information on a possible even larger demonstration planned Monday. -Photos courtesy: Kirsten Orlandella