On Saturday, the Kappa Sigma fraternity hosted their second annual Key West Fest at their house on Greek Row. Two hundred and thirty tons of sand covered the Kappa Sigma parking lot, along with a tiki style theme that made the parking lot look like Key West.

The purpose was to raise money for the Military Heroes campaign benefiting the Fisher House foundation. Over 7,000 dollars was raised for the foundation, which helps provide low-cost lodging to veterans and military families. The money raised this year more than doubled the year before.

Mike Skinner, the philanthropy chair for Kappa Sigma told us, “Sororities come out to compete in events such as relay races, sand castle building, pyramid plunder, and tug-of-war. They are fighting to be crowned the Queens of Key West.” Knightnews.com stuck around to take some pictures of the event which you can see below: