Special Prosecutor Angela Corey released large portions of the evidence she used to charge George Zimmerman with the second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin — and it has legal experts amping up criticism of her case.

Famed criminal defense attorney Alan Dershowitz appeared on Fox News Friday afternoon slamming Corey for charging Zimmerman, based on this evidence.

“Right from the beginning the prosecution knew Zimmerman had bruises on the back of his head,” Dershowitz told Megyn Kelly. “They just submitted false affidavits and generated the media frenzy. The finger of responsibility points clearly at the prosecutor. She raised expectations by indicting Zimmerman for second-degree murder when there was clearly never any basis.”

Dershowitz reacts to evidence released on May 17

Corey clearly disagrees, as she believes the evidence shows Zimmerman profiled Martin and committed second-degree murder.

“She has a terrible reputation in Florida for always overcharging,” Dershowtiz said of Corey on Fox News. Recently, Corey has come under fire from Congresswoman Corrine Brown, in an unrelated case, for her courtroom victory in getting Melissa Alexander sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a “warning shot” at her allegedly abusive husband.

An attorney for Martin’s family, Benjamin Crump, and Zimmerman’s defense attorney, Mark O’Mara, debated the new evidence this morning on The Today Show. See the video below:

Video from an earlier interview, in April, with Dershowitz criticizing Corey: