Greek sources are reporting that the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity will remain suspended after UCF held a hearing Tuesday afternoon to review the interim suspension they were placed on following hazing allegations.

UCF has so far refused to confirm the information, despite promising to get back to us with information following the hearing.

Few details are known about this situation as UCF made the decision from behind closed doors, effectively banning students, media and the public from understanding how and why their government is making decisions. No reasoning was provided by UCF for its decision to conduct the hearing in secrecy.

What is clear, however, is that UCF didn’t treat ATO like it does every other student or group accused of misconduct. UCF took special steps to have the group avoid using the front door to the Office of Student Conduct, avoiding the public scrutiny regular students are subjected to during hearings. will continue to follow these reports. Check back for constant updates.

Click here for more information on the hazing allegations.