has just received the audio from the secret Sigma Chi interim suspension hearing that took place Feb. 22.

During the hearing, Sigma Chi’s President, David Barley, refutes the allegations that say the fraternity was hazing and says that during the fraternity’s own investigation of the incident, which involved speaking to those pictured in the photo, they came to the conclusion that the circumstances surrounding the photo are not what they appear and are just a typical night at a college bar.
“From what we’ve uncovered – and I was not there and no one in this room was there so all we can do is speculate unless against what they tell us – is they were not consuming alcohol, Barley said. “One is said to be, he was sick with the flu, which would be the one up front. The one in the back stated to us that he was actually getting the girl’s number who was behind him. And the one standing told us that he was consuming water,” Barley said.
Barley also said that from what the fraternity has uncovered, they speculate that the photo was taken and posted by a member of another Greek organization.
Barley said the fraternity is planning on taking further measures on their own to better show the community their leadership and values by voluntarily enhancing their risk management program for new and existing brothers, planning to hold an open forum seminar with local establishments and the public to speak about local issues within the community and performing two additional service programs within the community by the brotherhood.
The fraternity was also suspended for 45 days by their national headquarters as a result of an investigation into allegations of hazing as well as violations of the fraternity’s alcohol and risk management policies.
Jeff Novak, the hearing officer, informed the fraternity that they would remain on emergency suspension until a formal hearing could take place at a further date.
Listen to the full hearing audio below: