PINK Nation is hosting a contest to see which school can garner the most votes in order to win the PINK Nation Collegiate showdown.

UCF was up initially against 55 other schools in hopes of advancing to the round of 16. After receiving the third most of any university, UCF earned a strong seed in the Super Sixteen and faces the University of Iowa for a spot in the Amazing Eight. Currently they are leading the University of Texas by less than 100 votes for first overall. See the standings here.

After 4 rounds of voting a champion will win the concert that is hosted in fall. The victor will be named on April 19th. This year PINK Nation decided to make the competition even more exciting by shortening the rounds.

Round Schedule:

Preliminary round- April 1-8.

Super sixteen- April 8-12.

Amazing eight- April 12-16.

Fab four face off-  April 16-19.

The competition works by each person being able to vote once per day per round. The rounds change over at 12 noon EST on the respective change-over dates. For the lucky few that make it to the end, PINK Nation is introducing a new set of social challenges for the Fab Four face off. They haven’t specified exactly what the challenges are yet but it has to do with other social platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.

Check out last year’s party for lucky winner Virginia Tech.

Click here to vote for UCF!