UCF Late Knights’ new executive board plans to expand and offer students leadership experience, according to Late Knights’ Executive Director Nikolay Lendman.

Late Knights is a monthly event, which works with the Office of Student Involvement to host alcohol-free events on campus every month, providing students a place to have fun and connect with peers.

“We really provide a place that’s free of pressure from alcohol for students to come and enjoy their time here on campus,” Lendman said.

Late knights provide food and live music, in addition to fun activities at their events. Their upcoming event, Summer Showdown, will be held July 21 at 9 p.m. in the Academic Village Courtyard.

Late Knights created a council for students to gain leadership experience by working with their e-board members throughout the school year.

“Each of our executive board members will be receiving a mentee, in hopes that they can then step up into the executive board position during the next term,” Lendman said.

Students interested in participating can do so by applying to join the council through knight connect, this August. There will be six available positions, one per e-board member.

Late Knights plan to host an event during family weekend and partner with UCF Homecoming to add elements to their fireworks show, Lendman said. Late Knights also offers registered student organizations the opportunity to promote themselves by tabling at their events.

“This year Late Knights’ event during Pegasus Palooza will be bigger than ever before. Be sure to follow our social media for updates on all our events,” Lendman said.