The UCF Student Government elections are fast approaching and students have two tickets to choose from in the 2021 student body presidential elections.
Each spring, the UCF student body elects a student leader to represent and serve the student body of almost 72,000.
The UCF SG president serves in the role for the following academic year and is the only student member on the UCF Board of Trustees.
The president — who has an Executive Cabinet of 16 members and is advised on policy and oversees various university departments and agencies — is the chief executive officer of the UCF Student Government and is responsible for the allocation of the $20.4 million dollar Activity and Service Fee Budget.
The student body vice president is elected alongside the president in the spring to work collaboratively in achieving the platform goals they have set to accomplish, according to UCF’s website.
Students can vote for the new UCF student body president and vice-presidential candidates beginning March 15 through March 17 on myUCF.
Dylan & Malachi

UCF SG President and Vice President Candidates Dylan Street and Malachi Mullings’ campaign website states they want to advocate for students.
Their Student-Initiated Platform leaves room for students to “endorse or expound” on platform points they would like to endorse, create, or see changed by accessing a form and leaving their thoughts and feedback.
Street and Mullings’ platform points include:
- Student Assistance and Academics.
- Campus Improvements.
- Diversity and Social Justice.
- Safety and Transportation.
- Student Life and Campus Involvements.
- Sustainability.
The full list of platform points can be read here.
Street, who is running for SG president, is majoring in sports and exercise science with a minor in sports business management. He is also a member of UCF’s Kappa Sigma fraternity and LEAD Scholar alumnus.
Mullings, who is running for SG vice president, is an industrial engineering major, and also a LEAD Scholar alum. He is a member of UCF’s Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, the first intercollegiate historically African American Greek-lettered fraternity. Mullings is also a LEAD Scholar alumnus.
Street and Mullings’ full biography can be found on their website, along with other election information.
Meg & Austin

UCF SG President and Vice President Candidates Meg Hall and Austin Wilson, state to put UCF first.
Their Golden Standard Platform declares to ensure an inclusive and innovative UCF.
Hall and Wilson’s platform points include:
- In-Person Events and Student Involvement.
- Academics and Scholarships.
- Diversity and Inclusion.
- Health and Safety.
- Innovation and Sustainability.
The full list of platform points can be read here.
Hall, who is running for SG president, is a junior majoring in legal studies and minoring in Spanish and creative writing. She is a member of UCF’s Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority.
Wilson, who is running for SG vice president, is a junior double-majoring in political science and criminal justice. He is a President’s Leadership Council member.
Hall and Wilson’s full biography can be found on their website, along with other campaign details.
Check back with Knight News for election coverage.