UCF announced it plans to lift capacity restrictions and offer most courses in-person as it is planning a full return to face-to-face operations for the fall 2021 semester.
The university will start by increasing the number of course sections offered face-to-face in the Summer B term courses with the same “physical distancing and other COVID policy requirements,” a Monday statement reads.
UCF interim Provost Michael Johnson said the university has learned how to live with the pandemic and take on precautions to minimize the spread of COVID-19.
“…we are hopeful for a return to something closer to normal, even though the pandemic will be part of our reality for some time,” he said in the email.
Johnson said capacity restrictions will be lifted as most courses will be on campus, but health measures are to proceed — such as mask-wearing, hand washing, and increased cleaning.

“We will, of course, also offer a robust online learning program, as we did before COVID-19,” he said. “We may also need to continue to be cautious with employees with identified high-risk health concerns, depending on the pandemic’s progression.”
UCF will continue to monitor public health conditions and maintain communication with health officials, Johnson said.
He said in the Monday statement that more expectations and plans for the transition to more face-to-face activities will be announced in the weeks ahead.
Johnson said UCF hopes to be selected as a mass vaccination site as the university is awaiting the eligibility criteria expansion by the State of Florida along with more vaccine deliveries.
“It is likely that essential workers — including faculty and staff members — and eventually students will be able to receive vaccines at UCF,” he said. “If this indeed becomes possible, we will share information about eligibility and how to make appointments.”
Johnson said the UCF community can expect to hear more details from the university soon.
“… With the mass availability of many effective vaccines gaining momentum, we are hopeful for a return to something closer to normal, even though the pandemic will be part of our reality for some time,” he said.
Johnson asked the campus community to “stay vigilant” and continue to take precautions to stop the spread of COVID-19.

“… Wear your mask properly, keep your physical distance, avoid large gatherings and wash or sanitize your hands frequently,” he said. “Cases have been dropping recently in the state, the Orlando region and at UCF. Let’s keep it going.”
Check back with Knight News for updates.