In front of Burger U sits a folding table and posters reminding students to keep physical distance and to complete the COVID Self-Checker before entry. Waiting inside, two eager candidates ready to greet potential voters.
Student Government Presidential candidate Dylan Street and Vice Presidential candidate Malachi Mullings held a campaign kickoff event on Thursday at Burger U with hopes to meet students and increase voter support.
The function was the first time Street and Mullings were able to meet multiple students since the beginning of their campaign. The duo said their campaigning has been virtual and done through Zoom and social media due to UCF COVID-19 policies and CDC guidelines.
Unlike previous years, Street and Mullings said they were unable to visit clubs in-person and usually use their platform to reach out to the student body.
“This whole campaign has been on social media more than other years, this event was a way to get more students to interact with us,” Mullings said. “And also show that students can still follow the safety protocols and procedures.”
One of the ticket’s platform points is to re-establish activities and events on campus — following university COVID-19 guidelines and other procedures — and Mullings said the event was a way to show it’s possible to follow the protocols and host in-person events.
The duo’s website states they would also like to advocate to bring back intramural sports and campus-activity events using guidelines similar to ones UCF Athletics uses, and advocate for COVID-safe tailgating in the fall.
“You go to university to experience those events,” Street said. “There are protocols that exist that we can incorporate into chapters, socials, and IMs.”
Molly Hoffman, the social media manager for Street and Mullings’ campaign accounts, said she reached out to Street to join the campaign because she knew Street could lead and had the potential of being the student body president.
When asked about any challenges the group has faced, Hoffman said the topic of the previous Student Government experience comes up, but said that shouldn’t stop anyone from getting involved.
“There have been previous issues with them not being part of SG,” Hoffman said. “The fact that they don’t have that experience with SG should not stop them, they’ve taken the time to read and understand the statutes — they’ve put in the work.”

Mullings agreed that their campaign experience hasn’t all been smooth sailing, but their experience at UCF has prepared them for these challenges.
“Our experience is so vast — we did SG our freshmen year and Executive Leadership Council, so we have versed knowledge and our experiences go so much further from there,” Mullings said. “We’re student employees here on campus, we’re both RAs.”
Street also highlighted how important a variety of experiences is for a leadership position.
“When you’re looking to vote for a candidate, you look at their platform and you look at who they are as individuals and what they bring to the table,” Street said. “Malachi and I bring a world of experiences, I’ve been in just every department around campus, if not I know someone who has.”
As the event came to an end, Street and Mullings said some final words and thanked the individuals who stopped by.
“You understand through our campaign process it was all about you,” Street said. “Once we’re in office it’s still about you.”
The duo reminded students of the importance of voting in the Student Government Elections.
Voting for the 2021 Student Government Elections will begin Monday at 8 a.m. and run through Wednesday at 5 p.m.
Students can vote through the myUCF website or app, or at an on-campus polling station at the Student Union.
Check back with Knight News for updates and SG Election coverage.