Out of the 14 catalytic converters thefts reported to UCF Police in 2022 so far, this wave of crimes has left fourth-year UCF Business Management student, Oliver Casey, more than just without a car.
“Luckily, I have my bike, but it is a pain. I live full time out of my Honda Element so now I’ve been having to sleep over at my girlfriend’s house while it’s being fixed instead of my own home,” Casey said.
The self-sufficient student said he was on his way home from work when he noticed his muffler hanging from his car. When he turned his car on, he said it sounded like a motorcycle and not like his Honda.

Casey said he then called the UCF Police Department and had a report filed.
“I would really like to see UCF parking services put in the infrastructure necessary to have cameras in their parking garages. It’s a bit ridiculous with a campus with 70 thousand students that we don’t have cameras in the garages,” Casey said.
The UCF Police Department has arrested two individuals believed to be responsible for multiple catalytic converter thefts on UCF’s main campus.
Tyre Smith, 23, and Kentrail McDaniel, 21, were arrested off-campus on Friday, March 18th on several charges including criminal mischief, petit theft, burglary of a conveyance, and possession of burglary tools according to arrest affidavits.

Authorities said the two men are both from Texas and have no UCF affiliation.
UCF Police Detective Alex Deluca said that another individual is believed to be involved in these catalytic converter thefts occurring on UCF’s main campus and around Central Florida.
Detective Deluca said, “At that time, we weren’t able to prove that they were involved in our cases just based on what have you, not being able to see them in surveillance footage or whatever it may be. But the case is still ongoing.”
Detective Melissa Guadagnino, who also assisted in the investigation of the catalytic converter thefts, is telling the UCF community to stay alert.
“If you see anyone that’s not supposed to be in the area that doesn’t look like they belong, just say something and call the police department and say something to us and we’ll make sure that we’ll take care of that problem for you,” Detective Guadagnino said.