Courtesy: The UCF Men's Basketball Program

UCF’s historic win against No. 3 Kansas kicked off a new tradition among Knights fans – thwarting opponents with palm fronds. At Wednesday night’s game, Knights in the student section were seen waving green palm fronds toward the court during the opposing team’s free throws. Now playfully dubbed “Fear the Fronds” by Kingdom NIL, the practice continues as it is largely believed to have contributed to the largest win in UCF school history. The fun continued at Saturday’s game against BYU as a truckload of fronds were brought into the pre-game block party. Students were pictured in long lines posing triumphantly with the fronds, anticipating another exhilarating win. Unfortunately, the fronds were not enough to slay the BYU Cougars, and the game resulted in a score of 63-58. 

Fans have taken to Twitter to share their admiration for this fresh, new idea and businesses have already begun to capitalize on the trend. One company, however, has gotten more fan support than most, and for good reason. Rock ‘Em Socks, a creative sock business, has produced a pair of “Fear the Fronds” socks featuring the fronds and the UCF logo, but not just for the company’s own benefit. Following the game, UCF fans stormed the court in celebration. Unfortunately, this came to the dismay of the Big 12 conference who fined UCF $25,000 for the display of school pride. Along with many fans, Rock ‘Em Socks was disheartened by the fine, and thus, pledged to donate all its proceeds from the Limited Edition “Fear the Fronds” socks to pay the fine. UCF Athletic Director, Terry Mohajir, even bought a pair in support of the Rock ‘Em Socks initiative! What are you waiting for, Knights? Get yourself a pair of “Fear the Fronds” socks today!