Courtesy: Josh Krameisen

On Friday April 12th, UCF hosted its annual spring game, in which the Knights and Citronauts faced off in a friendly scrimmage. In similar fashion to the university’s other themed games, the players donned specially designed helmets for the occasion. This year, the helmet design hit closer to home than ever as the logos worn were designed by children at the Orlando Health Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children.

Earlier in the week, players visited the hospital and spent time coloring Knightro and Citronaut heads with pediatric patients. The resulting designs were featured on the sides of each player’s helmet at Friday’s game. A group of the children who contributed to the designs were in attendance at the game where they were recognized for their creativity.

This year’s game was played in two 12 minute quarters, and within this short period of time, the ‘Nauts emerged victorious for the second year in a row. In lieu of a second half, the players engaged in individual competition where they showcased their skills. A popular trial was the 40-yard dash in which select players raced to claim the title of the “fastest on the team.” This year’s champion? None other than RB Johnny Richardson. In fact, the running backs were showing up and showing out during the skills competition as RB RJ Harvey took home the title of “strongest arm.”

Although, the other squads within the team were not to be overlooked. The undisputed star of the night was the Knights’ new transfer quarterback, KJ Jefferson. Launching two touchdowns and connecting with RB’s on over half of his passes, the former Arkansas star has given Knight Nation a spark of hope for its second season in the Big 12. 

Unfortunately, the transfer portal is gnashing its ugly teeth in UCF’s direction again this year, threatening to gobble up any and all star players. While it’s done its fair share of favors, sending in powerhouses like Jefferson, it’s been known to steal a few breakout players. The portal opened following the spring game on April 16th and will close at the end of the month.  Already, the team has lost big names like QB Timmy McClain, CB Jason Duclona, and DB Nikai Martinez. Knight Nation sits impatiently by, while rumors circle around Reddit and Twitter, wondering who will be the next to enter the jaws of the infamous portal, if anyone.