Knight News decided to put ChatGPT to the test.

ChatGPT Creates Games in HTML Instantly
The original code ChatGPT wrote at our request.

We asked ChatGPT to build a pong-like game in HTML (a coding language many webpages use, including Knight News).

After the first version with a simple pong ball came out, we tried making some tweaks to replace the pingpong ball with Knightro’s head.

Here is the updated version, with Knightro’s head pulled from an old Knight News photo, also created seconds later:

Pong Game

Although it works best on a computer desktop, it also works on an iPhone if you turn it to its side.

It is pretty simple, and doesn’t work perfectly. But we couldn’t have coded it ourselves any better, at least not within a few seconds. It serves as a small example of how OpenAI and ChatGPT will change how things works, and how jobs — from coding to journalism — will change with automation.

Have you used ChatGPT? Let us know what ChatGPT or AI hacks you’ve uncovered by emailing

We’re also looking to hire UCF students who know how to code, to help us pioneer the use of OpenAI to improve how we gather news — so let us know if you’re interested in that, too!