My Darlings,

I have been giving advice ever since my friends knew the meaning of four vulnerable little words: “What should I do?” And, from what I’ve heard, I’m quite good at it.

My friends (and sometimes their friends) seek me out for my blunt, no-sugar-coating advice, and now I’m sharing this gift with all of you.

I’m Penelope, your beacon of hope and new best friend.

Being a psych major, some classes I’ve taken include Social Psych, Sexual Behavior (the best class you’ll take in college, for which I was also a TA), Developmental Psych, Psycho-biological Aspects of Drugs, Physiological Psych, you get the point. I’m also proud to have been a research assistant for a prominent psychology professor.

My varied collegiate experiences, knowledge of psychology, and maternal instincts make me prepared to take on any woe you might have – large or small. So send in your questions to and see what I’ve got to say. I promise you won’t be disappointed. That was a lie; sometimes the truth hurts. But, I do promise to give you great advice!



At UCF these past few years, I have been a part of various UCF organizations, lived both on-campus and off, studied abroad (and had a study abroad fling), gone through the “going out” phase, gone through the “No thanks, I’m staying in tonight” phase, been in relationships and out, dated and not dated…I’ve certainly had a well-rounded college experience. One thing has always stayed the same, however: people come to me for advice.

Having experienced a self-proclaimed “successful” college experience, I’ve decided to put my two majors together – psychology and journalism – into a gift to not just freshmen starting at huge University of Central Florida, but to everyone who is struggling with college, their relationships, or everyday life in general.