On Nov. 16, members of the UCF community will look to give back to the Central Florida area.

Pack to Attack Hunger, a partnership involving the UCF Student Government Association, UCF Alumni, UCF Fraternity and Sorority Life, UCF Athletics and Feeding Children Everywhere, will be held at the UCF Venue. The partners in this event hope to achieve giving one million meals to children in the Central Florida region.

The food insecurity rate in Florida is 19.2 percent and rising. By participating in Pack to Attack Hunger, the UCF community will be helping those affected by the hunger epidemic in their area. The hand-packaged meals put together during the Pack to Attack Hunger event will be distributed to public schools’ crisis food pantries.

“UCF Athletics is proud to be part of Pack to Attack Hunger,” Vice President and Director of Athletics Todd Stansbury said. “This is another great opportunity for our student-athletes and our staff to get involved and make a difference in our community.”

“The University of Central Florida Student Government Association is excited to be part of this initiative, because it is a great opportunity to see our UCF community work together toward helping out those who are in need,” UCF SGA Athletics and Traditions Coordinator Blake Warfield said. “I am looking forward to giving a helping hand at accomplishing our goal.”

“Fraternity and Sorority Life is so excited to see Pack to Attack Hunger grow immensely within just one year,” Panhellenic Vice President of Community Involvement Katie Clinger said. “We are looking forward to bringing the UCF community together all for the same great cause.”

Volunteers for the event will work in four one-hour shifts, in an assembly-line setup to systematically pack meals for children who are food insecure.

Pack to Attack Hunger is currently looking for more volunteers, with an estimated 3,000 needed to make the event a total success. Volunteer sign-up and donation forms can be found at www.packtoattackucf.com.