Do you want to end up like a nerd holding hands by the reflection pond your whole college career? If not, here is a list of practical pick-up lines for the UCF area. Be careful if you use these you may end up like that dude on the axe commercials with women (or men) all over you. If used correctly you’ll be the Don Juan of UCF and if used incorrectly well, then, possibly a drink in the face. It’s worth the risk right? Here goes nothing:

“Can I lance you with my knightro?” If you’re slow, this is referencing a sexual innuendo.

“Do you live in Nike? Because I’ve been checking you out.” Play on the Nike Check. Even though Nike housing is named after the god, it could still work.

“Hey did you know that UCF stands for opportunity?” If she says yes, then say, “Why don’t you give me the opportunity to buy you a drink?” Extremely corny and non-offensive.

This is what you would call an approach question. Could be used by a girl or a guy: “If you were stuck on an island would you rather have your PID or NID?” PID means they could check myUCF and NID means you could work on web courses. Neither of these responses really matter. What matters is if he or she doesn’t know, then they’re a freshman. Freshman= great opportunity for a kiss on the cheek.

If you have a friend with a sister, ask “Can I Peg-a-sis(Pegasus)?” This would refer to making love with his or her sibling. Be careful with this one.

If you’re into the urban scene or hip-hop culture, you could say things like “Baby, I’ll make it rain flexbucks on dat ass” or “Hey mami, King Kong ain’t got shit on my Purse 1” or “Yo chicken head, I got mo’ Link Loot than you got brain cells.”

“Are you a psychology major? because you’ve been on my mind.” Classic line, can be used at any college.

“Are you a finance major? because you look on the money.” Another classic.

*I’ve never actually used these, so proceed with caution. Feel free to add pick-up lines below.