Carl is a 5-year-old Rottweiler German Shepard mix that was recently diagnosed with Larger Cell Lymphoma.

“We caught it pretty early and it’s very treatable just expensive,” Carls owner Tiara Funkhouser said. “He has gone through multiple roommate changes, final exam weeks, and parties where he was the official beer pong ball fetcher. He’s a very special dog.”

Tiara’s friends created a Go Fund Me with the goal of $6,000 to pay for Carl’s Medical bills.

Currently they have raised a little over $1,600.

The $6,000 will go toward the Madison- Wisconsin/CHOP Treatment. This is a 25-week protocol; this includes initial x-rays, visits to cancer specialist, chemotherapy treatments and anything else that Carl may experience in the future.

Carl is currently going to weekly doctor visits depending on his blood levels.