Republican primary presidential candidates gathered in Orlando at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel for the Sunshine State Summit Friday and Saturday.

Conservatives from across the state came to see their party’s potential presidential nominees discuss the issues that conservative voters care most about. These issues included immigration, taxes and terrorism.

The candidates that were in attendance at the Summit were Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, John Kasich, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina, Rick Santorum, Chris Christie, Jim Gilmore and Lindsey Graham.

During the event, conservatives would pack a large ballroom and listen to the candidates make their case for why they should be the party’s nominees.

Friday evening, while the summit was occurring, news of the terrorist attacks killing around 120 in Paris spread. ISIS later claimed responsibility. This attack was a terrible tragedy and all the candidates have since given their personal condolences to the families and the victims of the attack.

During the candidate’s press conferences, the candidates were asked a series of questions ranging from policy differences between them and other candidates to how they will improve the lives of college students.

Watch the links below for Knight News full press conference footage and videos of the Republican Presidential candidates. Click here for interviews with UCF College Republicans who snapped selfies with candidates at the event.

John Kasich’s press conference:

Ben Carson’s press conference:

Mike Huckabee press conference:

Rand Paul press conference:

Bobby Jindal press conference:

Jim Gilmore one-on-one interview with Knight News:

Donald Trump’s speech (he did not have a press conference):

Carly Fiorina’s speech (she did not have a press conference):