Bill Segal Gives Take On SGA Scandal, Touts Plan for Jobs for UCF Grads
Orange County Commissioner Bill Segal sat down with for an exclusive one-on-one interview to discuss the questionable spending surrounding UCF SGA President Mike...
Arizona Immigration Law Debate: Students Speak Out
With the Arizona immigration law causing a heated debate across the country, sought out two students who have very different opinions on the...
How Old is America on July 4th 2010?
This Fourth of July, a lot of people are wondering exactly how old the United States of America is. did some digging, and...
Board Of Governors Raises Tuition at Florida Universities, UCF
UPDATE:Its now official! Only one person voted against the differential tuitions on the Board of Governors. Updates on the details soon to come in.
Obama BP Oil Address: Watch Live Video from Oval Office
President Barack Obama toured Florida and other gulf states. has embedded a live strem of his address about the BP oil disaster. Check...
Israel Boat Raid: A Student’s Stance on Media Firestorm
Public opinion is a funny thing.
In a world where perceptions are far more important than reality, Israel has been the victim of a vicious...
Video: UCF Students Boo Alex Sink For USF Slip at Graduation
Minutes after Florida Chief Financial Officer and gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink mistakenly referred to UCF graduates as being from USF -- the Knights' arch-rivals...
Times Square Bomb Suspect Arrested, Up to 8 Detained in Pakistan
Faisal Shahzad, the man officials suspect tried to cause a giant fireball in New York's Times Square, was arrested late Monday on a flight...
Charlie Crist Officially Announces He’s Running as An Independent
Florida Governor Charlie Crist announced just before 6 p.m. in front of a large St. Petersburg crowd that he has dropped out of the...
UCF Tuition and Fees Could Soar 23% Combined Under Legislative Deal
State lawmakers gave the greenlight for the University of Central Florida and other state schools to hike fees by 15 percent and raise tuition...