Noah Film Impresses in Every Way

One of the greatest challenges organized religion faces in modern society is the ability to attract newer generations who feel a growing disconnect between...

Josh Radnor Visits UCF, ‘How I Met Your Mother’ Finale Monday Night

Josh Radnor, known for his role as Ted Mosby on How I Met Your Mother, visited UCF Tuesday, March 18 thanks to the Campus Activities...

‘The Muppets: Most Wanted’ Provide Entertainment For All

The Muppets: Most Wanted is another very enjoyable film that is crippled by the success of its predecessor. It is funny, entertaining, and filled...

If you haven’t seen it yet: ‘The Wind Rises’

Animated films have always struggled to be taken seriously as a medium capable of providing viewers with meaningful and thought provoking work. Their target...

300: Rise of an Empire Will Satisfy Action Fans

Frank Miller is considered one of the most influential comic book writers of all time because of the gritty and dark nature of his...

Mr. Peabody and Sherman Packs in Plenty of Family Fun

Any new animated film coming out during this generation will always have the difficulty of being compared to Pixar’s best work. While Walt Disney Animation...

“How I Met Your Mother” Star Josh Radnor to Visit UCF

In October, CAB released a survey to allow students to vote for their spring semester speaker. The speakers ranged from popular shows such as...

Non-Stop Delivers Tense, if Somewhat Flawed, Film

When Taken premiered back in 2009, the film was somewhat of a phenomenon. Thanks to a a memorable, and often quoted, monologue along with...

3 Days To Kill Film Review

Sometimes, intense sequences of action are all you need to keep the audience entertained. Sometimes, a strong sense of humor is all you need...

Inside Llewyn Davis Film Review

Inside Llewyn Davis follows a folk singer in the Greenwich music scene during the early 60’s and explores the nature of suffering, self destruction,...

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