Miss Greek 2010: Miss Sara Levanti

Miss Sara Levanti Grade: Senior Major: Business Hometown: Sarasota, FL CHECK OUT THE OTHER CONTESTANTS: Miss Alpha Xi Delta Miss Alpha Delta Pi Miss Chi Omega Miss Kappa Alpha Theta BACK TO...

Miss Greek 2010: Miss Alpha Xi Delta

Name: Kelsey Anderson Grade: Junior Major: Advertising and Public Relations Hometown: Sarasota, FL CHECK OUT THE OTHER CONTESTANTS: Miss Sara Levanti Miss Alpha Delta Pi Miss Chi Omega Miss Kappa Alpha...

Miss Greek 2010: Miss Chi Omega

Name: Erin Haubenstock Grade: Junior Major: Legal Studies Hometown: Tampa, FL CHECK OUT THE OTHER CONTESTANTS: Miss Sara Levanti Miss Alpha Xi Delta Miss Alpha Delta Pi Miss Kappa Alpha Theta BACK TO...

Miss Greek 2010: Miss Alpha Delta Pi

Name: Melissa Bromley Grade: Sophomore Major: Interpersonal Organizational Communications Hometown: Tampa, FL CHECK OUT THE OTHER CONTESTANTS: Miss Sara Levanti Miss Alpha Xi Delta Miss Chi Omega Miss Kappa Alpha Theta BACK TO...

2nd Annual After Dark on Greek Park

Last night, hundreds came out to party at the Theta Chi house for the 2nd Annual After Dark on Greek Park. Hosted by...

Big Sean to Perform at Rock The Wreath

Can you say good music? Alpha Tau Omega (ATO) wants to know this year at their seventh annual Rock the Wreath concert featuring American...

Trick or Treat on Greek Street Held at UCF’s Greek Park

Instead of heading downtown for Wall Street’s block party or going to the last night of Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Orlando, some college...

Alpha Xi Delta and Delta Upsilon’s Dodgebrawl Philanthropy

For many students, dodge ball is a fun game they enjoy playing while socializing with their peers. For Alpha Xi Delta member Jennifer Luli,...

UCF Interfraternity Council Seeks New Leaders

UPDATE 10/28/10: The results are as follows: President: Adam Brock Executive Vice President: Vacant Vice President of Risk Management and Judicial: Ian Stecher Vice President of Recruitment: Andrew...

UCF Homecoming Controversy: Make Way For Mike Kilbride’s Ego

Update: We got reports Kilbride once again inserted himself into homecoming, but this time didn't show his face. We're told he was "the man...

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