McCann/Brock Interview about the Upcoming Year at UCF

Matthew McCann and Adam Brock were sworn in as the new UCF SGA President and Vice President last week. interviewed the new SGA...

Construction Borders Treasured UCF Arboretum

Update: UCF Spokesman Grant Heston said the construction relates to "the natural-gas energy facility UCF is building to save energy costs and reduce environmental...

Marco Rubio Praises National Debt Protests By Young Americans for Liberty

With the national debt skyrocketing to more than $14 trillion, taxpayers across the country are getting fed up with the massive government spending. And...

UCF Administration Owes Mike Kilbride an Apology for Failing Him, SGA

A Editorial Mike Kilbride will likely go down as the most controversial Student Government Association president in UCF history. But as shocking as this...

McCann Names UCF SGA Cabinet Directors

As the controversial Kilbride administration fades into UCF SGA history, has already learned who Kilbride's successor, Matthew McCann, has picked to lead his...

UCF Business Testing Lab Hours Open Late During Final Exams

Are you waiting until the last minute at night to take your business exams? If so, you're in luck because of some last minute...

Emma Watson Leaving Brown; No Evidence She’ll Come to UCF

According to the Associated Press, Emma Watson is leaving Brown University and attending another university in the fall -- and so far, there's no...

SGA President Escapes Impeachment During Clouded Meeting

Confusion over impeachment statutes, student privacy laws and an open admission by an SGA senator that people skipped out on the meeting because they...

Michael Kilbride Impeachment Hearing Set for 7 p.m. Tonight

UPDATE: Even though UCF and SGA released copies of Jereme Pozin's impeachment affidavit, has learned UCF adviser Christa Coffey has instructed senators they...

Michael Kilbride Throws Self Lavish Goodbye Party on UCF Students’ Dime

Is UCF Breaking Public Record Law to Protect Kilbride? If you walked by the Student Union's Pegasus Ballroom this afternoon, you may have noticed workers...

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