is starting to get e-mails and facebook posts about this bomb scare. We are trying to find out more on the suspect, Cory Carr, and how this bomb scare affected you — the students of UCF.

If you have videos, pictures or just want to share your experience, e-mail it to You could e-mail us a video clip if you’d like, or else, call our news line at 407-5-TIP-UCF to leave a message with your thoughts for us to post below.

Here is our first YouReport account from Lindsay Wiseman:

Hey Knight News,

Here’s my story:
I was sitting in my hospitality class which is on the 3rd floor of Classroom Building 1. We were about 10 minutes into class and one of my classmates raised her hand saying that she was getting texts from her friend (who’s in the same class) saying that she wasn’t in class because no one was being let into the building and they had it surrounded by police and caution tape. Everyone in the class starts freaking out. Some were excited and intrigued, others were very scared. We were all in the dark, and I automatically thought about whether or not a gunman was in the building. No alarms went off and our teacher was trying to figure what exactly to do since he wasn’t informed of any suspicious activity. However, none of us were willing to chance it. About half of the class left, and I stayed back with the other half because we had no idea if it was safe to go in the hallways or stairwells, etc. One of my friends was one of the first to go down and exit the building. He immediately called me and said the police were telling him that everyone needed to get out of the building ASAP, so with that I grabbed my other friend and a bunch of girls we were with and we hauled down three flights of stairs and through the lawn to the other side of the caution tape. From there, we waited around for few to see what was going to happen and try to figure out what exactly was going on, because none of us knew any details and the police weren’t telling us anything. Soon, the auditorium on 1st floor was evacuated and the scene became crowded, and I eventually left and found out later the details.

Overall, it was a very scary experience, in my opinion. My first reaction when we found out through our classmate that they had locked down the building was utter panic. I’m glad no one was hurt and that the suspect was arrested. It’s a relief we can look at it now and laugh. Just another crazy homecoming week story. And even though it didn’t develop into anything huge, and though it was apparently a prank, I really hope I’m never put in a situation like that again.

Lindsay Wiseman