UPDATE Friday: now has pictures of Alpha Tau Omega bringing gifts to Alpha Delta Pi ahead of serenades this Sunday.
ATO also was out washing ADPi’s cars this afternoon. ATO is in competition with Delta Tau Delta to win ADPi for Homecoming. Check out the video below to see DTD doing a pre-homecoming serenade for ADPi last week.
SEE OUR FULL SLIDESHOW OF PICTURES – UPDATED FRIDAY – HERE! is once again planning live coverage of serenades to determine UCF Homecoming 2012 partners. Some serenades started tonight, while many more are expected to happen one week from today.
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During Homecoming Serenades, fraternities go to sororities and serenade them, asking to be their partners. Then, sororities will vote and decide which of the fraternities that serenaded them they’ll pick to be their partners.’s team of reporters has been working sources throughout Greek Park all week to see who is going for who — and to predict pairings.
Here’s where we’re projecting fraternities are setting their sights:
Alpha Delta Pi | Alpha Tau Omega vs. Delta Tau Delta
Delta Delta Delta | Phi Delta Theta – unopposed as far as we know
Kappa Delta | Sigma Chi vs. Theta Chi
Zeta Tau Alpha | Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Team Kappa Sigma & Delta Upsilon
Kappa Alpha Theta | Delta Sigma Phi vs. Beta Theta Pi
Pi Beta Phi | Zeta Beta Tau – unopposed as far as we know
Delta Zeta | Sigma Pi will serenade them next week, according to a tipster
We’re still working to find out who is serenading the following sororities:
Alpha Xi Delta
Chi Omega
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Alpha Epsilon Phi
We need your help keeping us updated with what is happening! Text us updates at 407-5-tip-ucf (407-584-7823) and email us pics or video updates to You can tweet us @UCFKnightNews or make a post or comment on our page, or at the bottom of this story. Also, see pictures of what some fraternities have done for sororities already this week.