Senate elections have officially started and prospective student senators will be vying for a spot on the 45th senate.

From today until Wednesday, you will see students with laptops scattered across campus trying to get as many votes as possible to ensure themselves a seat on this years senate.

One major ticket that has emerged in the wake of these elections is the Black and Gold ticket, who notably have the 44th Senate’s Speaker of the House Wes Jones and ex-SGA presidential nominee Anthony King supporting the ticket. The Black and Gold ticket held a rally at the Moat last night, and currently have almost 700 ‘likes’ on their Facebook page which you can see here.

The other major ticket in this election is the DAWN of Knights party, standing for “Dedicated and Willing Nation of Knights”. This party has their own website at here where you can see all of the prospective senators. Notably endorsements for this ticket include the Beta Theta Pi fraternity, the fraternity of current SGA president Cortez Whatley, as well as Jessica Engalla, the president of the Chi Omega sorority.

Aside from the two parties, there are also choices that are not affiliated to either party. Unlike a government primary, you do not have to register for a party in order to vote for them. It is possible to vote for candidates from either ticket, of course if they are not running for the same seat.

To vote, all you have to do is log onto MyUCF, note however, you can only vote for senators that are in your college.