Have you ever dreamt of being on TV? Have people told you that you have a larger than life personality? If this sounds like you then you should consider trying out for MTV’s Real World.
MTV’s Real World will be holding auditions for season 32 on Wednesday, March 16 from 10-5 p.m. in the Cypress Room next to the CFE Arena.
“We look for characters from real life; people with strong personalities who are unafraid to speak their minds,” Jonathan Murray, Executive Producer of Real World said in a press release.

Students who choose to audition must be at least 21 by June 2016 and look like they are 20-24 years old. Students are asked to bring a recent picture of themselves and their photo ID. At the audition students can expect to fill out an application about themselves followed by a group interview.
After the group interview, The Real World team will decide whether or not they wish to interview the contestant further. If you’re chosen, a camera based interview will follow.
“I don’t care if you’re a blue-collar mechanic that loves working on cars or you’re in law school, I like people who are really following something that they believe in. There are a lot of interesting people out there,” Senior Casting Director Martin Booker said.
Booker mentioned that the on camera interviews take time because the team is really involved in the.
“We spend a lot of time really interviewing people, because really we are putting someone on television for three months that doesn’t have a talent, they’re just them,” Booker said.
Knight News caught up with former contestant Nicole Zanatta and asked her what advise she had for students who wish to audition.
“Be yourself, that’s it, 100 percent”, Zanatta advised.
Photo credit: Real World MTV Casting