Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a campaign stop in Orlando at a youth and outreach center to highlight the focus of disabled Americans in her “Stronger Together” series.

“I’ve always believed that the ultimate test of our society is more than the size of our economy or the strength of our military. It’s how we treat our fellow human beings, especially the most vulnerable among us,” Clinton said.

Prior to Clinton’s speech, Anastasia Somoza opened with her story on how Hillary has paved the way for citizens with disabilities in the United States. Most notably with the Americans with Disabilities Act while Clinton was actively pushing for the law before its passage in 1990.

The anecdote included a quote from Anastasia when she was younger and highlighted the inaccessibility of education to those with a disability at the time. Hillary built on the foundation of the Americans with Disabilities Act to promise a

From the speech, nearly one-fifth of Americans have some form of disability – physical or otherwise – and sixty percent, from the speech, of those with a disability in the United States are not in the workforce. The continuation of ‘Autism Works,’ a national social program, focuses on an inclusive approach to lowering the number of disabled Americans without employment.

Life skills and productivity taught in this program and others chair the push for Clinton to deliver on the promise of every American with ‘a seat at the table.’

Clinton defined the ultimate success of the country as “how we treat our fellow human beings – especially the most vulnerable among us.”