Courtesy: NBC News

Today after a 6-3 majority vote, Roe V Wade will be overturned after 50 years, and the decision will be left in control of each individual state. 

Conservative Justice Samuel Alito said he believes that ‘Roe V Wade’ was a bad decision and needed to be overturned due to years of damaging results of unborn deaths 

“Roe V Wade was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito said. “Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, the decision has had damaging consequences.”  

The College Republicans at UCF released an official response on their social media accounts celebrating the Supreme’s Court decision saying it will be an important step into protecting lives going forward. 

“We are overfilled with joy as life begins to be sanctified,” UCF GOP wrote in a statement. “With the right to protect life given back to the states, the future may finally be anti-abortion.” 

The College Republican group said they lamented the lives lost to abortion and hope to continue to protect future lives. 

“We pray for over 63 million lives lost from abortion. We will continue to pray for the unborn and fight to protect life,” UCF GOP wrote in a statement. 

Liberal Justice Stephen Breyer said he was disappointed in the decision and the fewer rights women across the country will have. 

“After today, young women will come of age with fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers had,” Breyer said. “The majority accomplishes that result without so much as considering how women have relied on the right to choose or what it means to take that right away.” 

The College Democrats at UCF said in an official response that they will disappointed by the ‘muted’ reaction to conservative politicians across the country and urged those upset with the decision to make their voices heard at the ballot box in November. 

“College Democrats at UCF stands with the millions of Americans who oppose the overturning of Roe V Wade,” the College Liberal group wrote in a statement. “Use your Voice at the ballot box in 2022, 2024, and beyond.” 

Starting July 1, Abortions in Florida will no longer be able to be done within 24 weeks of pregnancy and instead will be changed to within 15 weeks.