Obama Changes Birth Control Healthcare Plan, Issues Press Statement

UPDATE: Read the transcript from Obama's press conference here. KnightNews.com just received this press release from the Obama Administration. Obama is currently addressing the...

Santorum Wins Two Caucuses by Big Margins

Rick Santorum has won the Minnesota and Missouri caucuses both by margins of at least 15 percent. Yes--the same Rick Santorum who finished some 500,000...

VP Joe Biden Visits Tallahassee, FSU

KnightNews.com received the following pool report from the White House press office, filed by a pool reporter working for the Tallahassee Democrat: The vice...

UCF Student Starts Popular Political Satire Website

The popular political satire website called TheWashingtonFancy.com has already made headlines in DC publications and has received attention from across the country. Noah Miller, a...

Romeny Wins Florida Primary; Gingrich In Orlando for Primary Party

Mitt Romney has won the Florida GOP Primary, followed by Newt Gingrich in second, Santorum in third, and Paul finishing last. Florida is the biggest...

Florida GOP Primary Tuesday; Students Vote

Tomorrow, January 31, 2012, is the official Republican primary for Florida. Voting takes place all day until 7pm. Current polls show Mitt Romney ahead in...

Newt Gingrich Hosts Crossing the Finish Line Rally in Orlando Monday

The Newt Gingrich campaign released Newt's schedule to KnightNews.com, and on Monday he will be in Orlando. According to the campaign, Monday night's Orlando...

Mitt Romney Wins Florida College Republican Straw Poll

The Florida Federation of College Republicans held a presidential primary straw poll at its spring quarterly meeting -- and Mitt Romney won big. Romney...

Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich for President Ahead of FL Primary

KnightNews.com just received this press release from the Gingrich camp regarding Herman Cain's endorsement: Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich for President Atlanta, GA –...

Will Marco Rubio Become Vice President?

US Sen. Marco Rubio has repeatedly denied he would accept the Republican Vice Presidential slot this year. However, in the recent Florida debate, Newt...

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